Dear families,
The hive was buzzing with songs and rhymes as our little bees continued learning the Jolly Phonics sounds.
Our little bees started with the letter ‘x’, pretending to take an x-ray with an x-ray camera, our little bees sang “/ks/-/ks/ Take an x-ray, /ks/, – /ks/ – Take an x-ray, /ks/ – /ks/ – Take an x-ray, – x-ray of my hand!” to the tune of ‘Skip to My Lou’.
While they were introduced to the letter “y” through a story “Bee, Inky and Snake decide to go on a picnic. Inky is bringing some y, y, y, yum… Yummy yellow yogurt”
*/ks/ is the sound you make from the letter ‘x’
What do leaves look like?… Do all leaves look the same?… How are they different?… Are there any features that all leaves have in common?
These were some of the questions our curious bees in K2 were thinking about as they continued on their topic of ‘Growing Plants. They made observations on the leaves and recorded their findings into their activity books. It was a buzz to see the curious bees comparing the leaves they were given and how different they were to each other.
Flying over to the classes of our Pre-N bees who were on a treasure hunt looking for objects in coloured rice (Rainbow Rice). The little bees were to on the hunt for different coloured objects and once they found them, placed them into a coloured egg which was of the same colour. A visually stimulating activity as our little bees had to move the coloured rice around to find the objects – which also helped them work on their fine motor skills.
That’s all for now, till we meet next week with more buzzing news. Take care and have a pleasant weekend.
Keluarga yang dihormati,
Lagu dan rentak dapat didengari di sarang kami di mana anak-anak lebah sibuk menyanyi dan mengikut rentak lagu untuk pelajaran bunyi “Jolly Phonis”.
Anak-anak lebah memulakan dengan huruf ‘x’, berpura-pura mengambil gambar x-ray dengan kamera x-ray, anak-anak lebah menyanyi “/ks/-/ks/ Take an x-ray, /ks/, – /ks/ – Take an x-ray, /ks/ – /ks/ – Take an x-ray, – x-ray of my hand!” mengikut rentak lagu “Skip to My Lou”.
Mereka diperkenalkan dengan huruf ‘y” melalui satu penceritaan “Bee, Inky and Snake decide to go on a picnic. Inky is bringing some y, y, y, yum… Yummy yellow yogurt”
*/ks/ adalah bunyi yang anda buat dari huruf ‘x”
Apakah bentuk daun? Adakah semua daun berbentuk yang sama?… Kenapa mereka berbeza?… Adakah semua ciri-ciri daun adalah sama?
Ini adalah soalan-soalan yang ditanya oleh anak-anak lebah yang penuh dengan rasa ingin tahu apabila mereka menyambung pelajaran topik mereka iaitu “Tumbuh-Tumbuhan”. Mereka telah membuat pemerhatian ke atas daun-daun dan merekod aktiviti perkembangan daun di dalam buku aktiviti mereka. Ia sungguh seronok melihat anak-anak lebah membandingkan daun-daun yang diberi juga mengetahui perbezaannya.
Mari kita ke kelas Pra-N di mana mereka mencari objek harta karun di dalam beras pelangi ( beras yang berwarna-warni ).Anak-anak lebah akan mencari objek yang berwarna, setelah jumpa objek yang berwarna itu mereka meletakkan objek itu di atas dulang telur mengikut warna yang sama. Satu aktiviti stimulasi visual dimana anak-anak lebah mencari objek yang tertanam di dalam beras pelangi. – ini dapat membantu mereka dalam kemahiran motor halus.
Itu sahaja untuk minggu ini, sehingga kita berjumpa lagi dengan berita yang lebih menarik. Jaga diri dan semoga anda berhujung minggu dengan indah.
当我们的小蜜蜂继续学习Jolly Phonics的声音时,蜂巢也跟着嗡嗡作响。
我们的小蜜蜂以英文字母“ x”开头,假装用x-ray相机拍摄x-ray,我们的小蜜蜂唱着“ / ks /-/ ks /take an x-ray,/ ks /,-/ ks” take an x-ray,/ ks /-/ ks /-take an x-ray,x-ray of my hand!”随着‘Skip to My Lou’音调。
他们通过一个故事认识字母字母“ y”,就是 “Bee, Inky and Snake decide to go on a picnic. Inky is bringing some y, y, y, yum… Yummy yellow yogurt”
* /ks/ 是您从字母“x”中发出的声音