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Dear Parents and Guardians,


This week, our Pre-Nursery bees became mini Picassos and discovered their own creativity in a free painting session at the hive. Dabbling with their paint and brushes, the little bees had a buzzing time painting their canvases however they liked.


As for our Nursery bees, this week’s lesson was focused on number formation. Having learned their numbers from their beekeper, the little bees had to paste coloured circles onto templates of numbers. This activity helped reinforce the children’s memory of the numbers they had learned and how they are formed.


“Ant for the ‘a’ sound, egg for the ‘e’ sound”

The buzz of learning continued for our K2 bees, this time requiring them to sort out the sounds of vowels with the use of picture cards. After repeating the sounds of the vowels several times, they were able to correctly match the sounds with their respective picture cards. What clever bees they are!


As we take a break for the Chinese New Year, Kinder Labz would like to wish you roaring success in all your undertakings in the Year of the Tiger! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

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Wahai para Ibubapa dan Penjaga,


Minggu ini, lebah kecil Pre-Nursery kami menjadi Picasso mini dan berkongsi kreativiti mereka dalam sesi lukisan bebas di sarang. Sambil bermain-main dengan cat dan berus mereka, lebah-lebah kecil sibuk melukis kanvas mereka mengikut kehendak mereka.


Bagi lebah kecil Nursery kami, pelajaran minggu ini tertumpu pada formasi nombor. Setelah mempelajari nombor mereka daripada penjaga lebah kecil mereka, lebah kecil itu perlu menampal bulatan berwarna mengikut templat nombor. Aktiviti ini dapat membantu mengukuhkan ingatan kanak-kanak tentang nombor yang telah mereka pelajari dan bagaimana ia dibentuk.


Ant pasti berbunyi ‘a’, egg pasti berbunyi ‘e'”

Kesibukan pembelajaran berterusan untuk lebah kecil K2 kami, kali ini mereka perlu menyusun bunyi vokal dengan menggunakan kad gambar. Selepas mengulangi bunyi vokal beberapa kali, mereka pasti dapat memadankan bunyi dengan betul dengan kad gambar masing-masing. Pandai betul lebah kecil kita!


Kami akan bercuti untuk menyambut perayaan Tahun Baru Cina, Kinder Labz ingin mengucapkan selamat maju jaya dalam semua usaha anda lakukan di Tahun Harimau! Selamat Tahun Baru Cina! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

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华人新年的到来,Kinder Labz祝您虎年万事如意!恭喜发财!
