Dear Families,
Greetings to our mummy and daddy bees from the hive as we end our second week in July. There has been lots of buzz around going on field trips and also knowledge harvesting on the new themes from all our classes.
Field trip
At KinderLabz™, one of the many avenues we adopt is place-based learning which gives our children multiple opportunities to learn from. The things children see and experience on field trips help increase their motivation for learning as it instils greater appreciation and respect for the topics explored. Children might be good at reciting and remembering things, but making connections can seem challenging unless they experience things first-hand.
Being the first field trip without their parents, these are the first steps in fostering independence in our little bees. Our K2’s together with the Nursery class went to visit the VSafe Boutique Farm plus a Pomelo Orchard. The children were so mesmerised seeing the different kinds of green vegetables and most of all were lucky to see a “fig” fruit, which is slowly growing popular with farmers in Malaysia. Another fascinating part of the trip was the process of growing mushrooms where they saw mushrooms being grown in bottles. Four of their five senses were made into good use as they touched, smelled, saw and heard the sounds from the surrounding.
As for our K1 children, their adventures brought them visiting the buildings around Ipoh as well as the Han Chin Pet Soo museum. The busy bees buzzed around looking at all the different types of kitchenware and other household things which were mainly used in kampong houses or a village. Looking at all the buildings around Ipoh City such as the railway station, post office, town hall, police station and many more, gave the children a clearer picture of the difference between a town and village. The visits fitted well with their theme on “Country and City” as they had the experience of connecting the dots with real experiences related to theme. Overall, it gave our children more opportunities for hands-on learning as real-life experiences just can’t be replicated through reading books. Stay tuned in for more news from the hive in the weeks to come as you will be kept posted with all the happenings around the classrooms. Till then, have a buzzing weekend with your loved ones.
Kepada semua ahli keluarga,
Salam, kepada para ibu dan bapa dari sarang lebah kami. Kami telah menamatkan minggu kedua bulan Julai dengan pelbagai aktiviti. Terdapat banyak ilmu dikongsi sepanjang minggu ini dengan lawatan sambil belajar yang dapat memantapkan dan memperluaskan ilmu pengetahuan anak-anak sempena permulaan tema baru bagi semua kelas.
Melawat Sambil Belajar
Di KinderLabz™, kami mempercayai bahawa aktiviti pembelajaran dan pengajaran boleh diperkembangkan dengan melawat tempat yang berkaitan dengan tema. Pelajar dapat melihat dan melibatkan diri secara langsung sepanjang lawatan. Hal ini, dapat meningkatkan motivasi mereka untuk belajar dengan lebih baik atas tajuk-tajuk yang ingin diterokai.
Lawatan tanpa ibu dan bapa ini adalah satu langkah pertama dalam memupuk sikap tidak bergantung pada orang lain. Pelajar dari kelas K2 dan Nursery pergi melawat “VSafe Boutique Farm” dan “Pomelo Orchard”. Lebah-lebah kami dapat melihat pelbagai jenis sayur-sayuran hijau dan buah ‘Ara’ (fig) yang semakin popular dikalangan pekebun-pekebun Malaysia masa kini. Salah satu yang dapat menarik perhatian kanak-kanak sepanjang rombongan ini adalah proses penanaman cendawan di mana mereka melihat cendawan ditanam dalam botol. Empat dari lima deria telah digunakan iaitu menyentuh, menghidu, melihat dan mendengar bunyi-bunyian dari persekitaran.
Bagi kelas K1, kanak-kanak melawat bangunan-bangunan di sekitar bandar Ipoh dan ke Muzium Han Chin Pet Soo. Lebah-lebah dapat peluang melihat pelbagai jenis alat-alat dapur dan barangan lain yang biasa digunakan di kampung-kampung. Kanak- kanak juga dapat melihat bangunan sekitar Ipoh seperti Stesen Keretapi, Pejabat Pos, Dewan Perbandaraan, Balai Polis dan banyak lagi. Hal ini dapat memberi gambaran yang lebih jelas kepada pelajar dalam membezakan bandar dan perkampungan. Secara keseluruhan, kanak-kanak berpeluang memperkembangkan ilmu pengetahuan melalui aktiviti rombongan ini. Harap tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sabar menantikan berita mingguan kami yang akan datang. Sehingga itu, bergembiralah hari minggu ini dengan orang-orang tersayang anda.
至于我们幼一班的孩子,他们参观了怡保周围的建筑以及闲真别墅博物馆。忙碌的小蜜蜂看着不同类型的厨具和其他家庭用品,这些都是用于在甘榜房屋或村庄里。 看看怡保市周围所有的建筑物,如火车站,邮政局,市政厅,警察局等等,这让孩子们更清楚地了解城市和村庄之间的区别。这次的参观也非常符合他们的主题“乡村和城市”,因为他们亲身体验到与主题相关的东西。整体而言,这些活动给孩子们提供了更多的实践学习机会,而现实生活中所经历的都无法通过阅读书籍来复制。接下来的几周,请继续关注我们蜂巢为您带来的新闻,因为您将会随时了解教室周围所发生的事情。最后,祝您与爱的人有个美好的周末。