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Dear Parents and Guardians, 


This week, our K1 bees discovered the body parts of the cow! These little bees were given name cards in English, which they matched correctly with the various body parts of the cow like the tail, horn, leg and many more! Not just that, they also learnt the names of play equipment, plants and creatures in Chinese! 


Meanwhile, our Nursery bees got familiar with several new words starting with the letter ‘V’. Producing the sound by biting their lower lips, they had fun imagining they were driving a van while producing the ‘V’ sound.  


Our Pre-Nursery bees also had a buzzing week with sensory play by filling up bottles with water and oil, along with pom poms and beads. They were a mesmerised lot watching the different colours float up and sink down, and repeatedly shook the bottle to see more. Through this activity, these little bees learnt to develop their language and motor skills. 


We hope everyone has a relaxed weekend and stay safe! 

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Wahai Ibu Bapa dan Penjaga, 


Minggu in, lebah K1 kami telah belajar tentang bahagian badan lembu! Lebah kecil kami telah diberi kad mengandungi nama bahagian badan lembu seperti ekor, tanduk, kaki dan mereka berjaya padankan dengan betul! Bukan itu sahaja, mereka juga belajar tentang nama-nama alat permainan, tumbuh-tumbuhan dan juga haiwan, dalam Bahasa Cina! 


Lebah kecil Pre-Nursery kami pula telah belajar beberapa perkataan baru yang mula dengan huruf ‘V’. Menghasilkan bunyi dengan menggunakan bibir mereka, lebah kecil kami seronok belajar sambil membayangkan mereka memandu van sambil menghasilkan bunyi ‘V’ tersebut. 


Lebah kecil Pre-Nursery kami pula telah menghabiskan minggu yang seronok dengan permainan sensori! Mereka telah mengisi botol yang kosong dengan air dan minyak, serta pom pom dan manik. Mereka sangat terkesima dan megoncang botol berulang kali untuk melihat warna-warna yang terhasil. Melalui aktiviti ini, lebah kecil kami belajar untuk mengembangkan skil motor dan bahasa mereka. 


Kami berharap semua orang menikmati hujung minggu ini dan menjaga diri! 

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同时,我们幼儿园的小蜜蜂们还熟悉了几个以字母 “V “开头的新单词。他们咬着下唇发出 “V “音,并想象自己在驾驶一辆面包车,玩得不亦乐乎。




